Oh, those aches and pains!

If you suffer from any type of chronic pain, even just a bit of soreness when you wake up in the morning, you don’t want to miss today’s post! When I was in my early 30s, I started waking up with sore muscles every morning, and I thought this was just a normal part of aging. Here I am twenty years later, and that morning soreness has become incapacitating some days, and I am kicking myself for not listening to my body sooner!

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About a month ago, I was complaining about my sciatica on Facebook, and a friend, Pam Heard from Texas, suggested that I read The Permanent Pain Cure: The Breakthrough Way to Heal Your Muscle and Joint Pain for Good (PB) by Ming Chew. I took a look at it on Amazon, and it sounded so good that I purchased it immediately for my Kindle because I didn’t want to have to wait for it to arrive in the mail. What got my attention like that?

The first thing I noticed was that several of the people who endorsed the book were professional athletes who had been told they had potentially career-ending injuries, and after seeing the author, they were cured. Since I’m not looking to play professional baseball — just milk a few goats and feed my chickens — it sounded like this might be a book worth reading.

Ming is a physical therapist who uses myofascial stretching and strengthening techniques, along with drinking lots of water and taking a couple of supplements. The supplements he recommends are systemic enzymes (such as papain, bromelain, chymotrypsin, amylase, and serrapeptase) and omega-3 oil. I decided to check the Garden of Life website to see what products they might have, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that they make Wobenzym N, which is one of the systemic enzymes that Ming says is particularly good. They also make several different omega-3 supplements. So, the folks at Garden of Life sent me a bottle of Wobenzym and a bottle of Oceans 3 Beyond Omega 3 supplements to try, in exchange for an honest review.

I’ve never taken a fish oil supplement before, but I’d heard that they often leave a fishy taste in your mouth, so I was a little apprehensive. But if you’ve ever had sciatica, you’ll understand why I was willing to try “anything.” I’ve been taking two every day (one with lunch and one with dinner), and I’m happy to say that I’ve experienced nothing negative from taking Oceans 3 as long as I take it during the meal. In fact, when I first opened the bottle I was pleasantly surprised to smell strawberries. Yes, strawberries! They’ve added a natural strawberry flavor to the oil. It doesn’t really taste like strawberries, but I’m happy that it doesn’t smell or taste fishy either.

Of course, there are lots of reasons to take fish oil, even if you don’t have a problem with pain. It is also supposed to be great for your memory and heart health.

Systemic enzymes must be taken on an empty stomach so that they can make it to your small intestines without being digested in your stomach. I was a little worried about being able to accomplish that, but it was easier than I expected. I take three first thing in the morning, then more about 45 minutes before lunch and dinner and at bedtime.


Nothing in this post is meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, and I am not a doctor. I’m just a woman with sciatica (and arthritis) sharing information that might be helpful to someone else out there. The links in this post are affiliate links, meaning that if you click on them and purchase the items, Thrifty Homesteader will earn a very small commission. You’ll pay exactly the same price as you otherwise would, but you’ll also be supporting the blog. 

6 thoughts on “Oh, those aches and pains!”

  1. I do find that when I am in the habit of taking both fish oil and primrose oil daily, my chronic muscle pain and aches improve dramatically.


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