Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

heirloom seeds

Whenever anyone asks me to recommend a place to buy non-GMO or organic seeds, one of the first places I suggest is Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Missouri. We’ve been buying seeds from them for about 14 years, and we’ve always been very happy with the seeds, as well as the customer service.

rare seedsJere Gettle started the company as a spunky 17-year-old in 1998. Today they have the largest collection of open pollinated seeds in the U.S. The beauty of open pollinated is that unlike hybrids and GMOs, you can save the seeds from your vegetables and plant them next year. Rather than employing a large staff of scientists to create the newest seeds, Baker Creek has a staff of gardeners dedicated to preserving seeds from our past. Not only do those seeds provide us with safer food, but they also give us more food security because we can produce and save our own seeds and become more self-reliant.

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In addition to their original location in Missouri, Baker Creek also has stores in California and Connecticut. They also host an annual gardening festival in California in September. Jere and his wife Emilee have also written two books: The Heirloom Life Gardener and The Baker Creek Vegan Cookbook.

I asked the nice people at Baker Creek if they would provide seeds for a giveaway, as I thought it would be a great way to introduce their company to you. They agreed to give the Heirloom Seed Collection to one of our readers. It includes 27 different packets of seeds, including some of my favorites, such as Bloomsdale long standing spinach, Sugar Baby watermelon, purple top white globe turnip, French breakfast radish, purple jalapeños, orange banana tomatoes, and Marketmore cucumbers. It’s a wonderful collection!

This post originally included a giveaway, which has ended. Congratulations to Nicole L., who was the winner.

33 thoughts on “Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds”

  1. Our seed budget took serious damage when our taxes went up $700.00
    unexpectedly so to win some seeds would be such a wonderful thing indeed.

  2. Zone 5 here!
    Starting leek seeds & maybe seed onion (<1st time effort) …& drooling over the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed catalog! They have so many unusual offerings I couldn't find anywhere else ….& Organic!
    I would love to win free seeds from such a fabulous source!

  3. I live in Oregon, in a microclimate where we had 4.5″ snow just last week! I likely won’t be getting anything into the ground until May this year, but next year I hope to have a greenhouse so I can start earlier. 🙂

  4. Live in NC and hoping to get some may peas in the ground toward the end of the month. But we grow a wide variety of items that will get planted a bit later.

  5. We’re in the Pacific NW and already have a lot of overwintered things in the garden that are either still harvestable (mache, kale and other greens plus carrots and leeks in the ground) or are starting to kick in for an early spring harvest (sprouting broccoli, fava beans)… but, I’m also getting ready to sow starts indoors in the next week or two, then peas go in at the end of the month. Hooray for almost-spring! I’ve already made this year’s order from Baker Creek, but it would be awesome to have some more seeds to try and share with friends. Thanks!

  6. We live in eastern Montana, have always tried to go natural…organic, in the things I provide family to eat. Seeds from this company would sure be cool!!

    • You’ll need to contact Baker’s Creek directly to get a catalog. Unfortunately they won’t see your comment here. Click on the Baker’s Creek link in the post to visit their website.


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